.....Cried Chicken Little as he ran through the barnyard.
I was raised a Baptist.
I have fond memories of riding in the back of Mr. Fisher's pick-up truck (later he bought a station wagon) on Summer Sunday mornings, picking up other children in the neighborhood to attend Summer vacation Bible school at Fisher's church.
There are times, once and again, when I have thought to myself that I may possibly like to get back into the 'fold' one day.
I know a lot of people who would be tickled pink were I to show up at church one morning, wearing my Sunday best.
There would be lots of hugging and kinship going on, and then we'd all sit down and hear the lessons of Jesus, and of God, and at the end of the sermon we would all leave and go back our daily lives.
Meanwhile, back in the WORLD;
America has over 700 military bases occupied with over half a million troops, in over 130 countries circling the globe.
On record.
Underneath that, there are entire separate entities that build up a very large network of military lobbyists, alphabet spy agencies, and black-operations; fomenting troubles that keep us in a constant state of fear and at-the-ready for war.
Almost 52 million Americans have no health insurance, and every year that number grows higher.
Many of those people who do have insurance cannot afford the co-pays, so they too wait until it is absolutely necessary to finally go; by then making the illness' that much harder to treat.
Children and adults line up in the cold at food pantries across this country seeking shelter, medical attention, and something to eat.
Middle class jobs are gone from here, never to return, while the jobs that ARE coming back pay much less than ever before, and the cost of everything else just keeps rising.
Meanwhile American multi-national corporations are poisoning our air, food, and water with their factory pharms, oil spills, and mountain top removal operations; amassing tremendous amounts of wealth at our expense.
Our system is broken.
The Christian right talks a good talk, but the words in between belie a people who are very much concerned with how other people morally live their lives.
Decisions that have no impingement on your own liberty.
If the good Christian people of this world would focus their energy and strength into creating a world worth bringing a child into, demanding that their fellow human beings have a life worth living, and a planet worth living on; I just might find my way back to the people who carry Jesus' message of hope, love, and fairness.
There are very real issues facing America, and the world today.
Important issues that need our immediate attention before we won't have to worry about any of it 'cause there'll be nothing left to worry ABOUT.
Gay marriage and abortion are NOT them.
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